European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence

The European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI) is a direct product of European AI research being increasingly coordinated and scaled up across projects, research organisations and countries. ESSAI’s immediate predecessors are the Advanced Course on AI (ACAI), organised since 1985 under the auspices of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI), and the TAILOR Summer School on Trustworthy AI organised since 2021 by the European ICT-48 Network of Excellence on Trustworthy AI through Integrating Learning, Optimisation and Reasoning. Last year, these two schools were already co-located in Barcelona with two parallel tracks as well as joint events.

This year EurAI and TAILOR have continued their collaboration to deliver a significantly larger event with over 30 courses and tutorials presented in seven parallel tracks. ESSAI & ACAI-2023 will take place at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana. ACAI-2023 will offer 10 invited tutorials (of 2x90min each) on the topic of AI & Science, while ESSAI-2023, together with the third TAILOR Summer School, will offer 24 courses (of 5x90min each) on all topics of AI, solicited through an open call for course proposals and selected by an international program committee.

24-28 July 2023
Ljubljana, Slovenia

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