Early bird registration dead line is coming up! May 31, 2019.
Don’t forget to register by May 31, 2019 to benefit from our early bird registration fee. 

You will find all informations regarding the program, fees and registration process on the website of the summer school:http://sesstim.univ-amu.fr/hearstat-2019


The 2nd Corsican Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology «Statistical methods and recent advances in statistical methods for excess risk analysis» will be organised at Corte, Université de Corse (France) from 8th to 12th July 2019. This international course will focus on (i) the main statistical methods and the more recent advances in statistical methods for excess risk analysis, and on (ii) the transfer of methods for net survival estimations to some other specific applications (clinical research, occupational epidemiology). The objectives of the course are: (i) to disseminate the concepts, methods and the more recent statistical tools to analyse net survival and excess mortality; (ii) to offer an informal and user-friendly setting of scientific exchanges in order to improve knowledge and practical skills to estimate, model, program, analyse and interpret results of excess risk analysis.

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