Have you considered Medical Statistics as a stimulating and rewarding career pathway in which you can apply your mathematics skills? The area is rapidly developing and our graduates are very successful in securing jobs in the pharmaceutical industry, NHS and university research groups (both applied and methodological) or going on to funded PhDs and academic careers.

The MSc in Medical Statistics at Leicester offers full-time and part-time study options and is a well-established (over 30 years) and successful course based in the Department of Health Sciences. The department has over 30 statisticians (including 12 academics) working on research projects and on methodological development.

To reflect the demand for graduates, the high quality of teaching and the excellent reputation of the MSc, the course has been awarded 3 Medical Research Council (MRC) studentships and 4 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) studentships covering fees and a stipend of £14,777 for the course starting September 2018. Good UK/EU applicants will be considered for these studentships and other funding opportunities through the application process and interview.

The orientation of the course is applied and vocational; it aims to produce graduates who can immediately work as medical statisticians. Demand for well qualified medical statisticians is strong and virtually all students have a job or funded PhD arranged before they complete the course.

For more details about the course and the studentships go to our website or e-mail http://mscmedstats@le.ac.uk.

To apply go to: https://le.ac.uk/courses/medical-statistics-msc