Dear colleagues,

The 8th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA VIII) will be held in Valencia (Spain) 1-3 June 2016. The official web page is, which is subject to continuous updates. 

The purpose of this workshop is to promote the development and application of spatial, temporal, and mainly spatio-temporal statistical methods to different fields related to the environment. The general aim is to bring together practitioners and researchers of different areas and countries all over the world. Cross-disciplinary actions to solve environmental problems are very welcome. The scientific programme is characterized by having special invited sessions covering topics on the latest in theory, methods, and applications, as well as contributed papers and posters.

Confirmed keynote speakers are: Adrian Baddeley (University of Western Australia), Peter Diggle (University of Lancaster), Ned Levine (Ned Levine & Associated, Texas), Alfred Stein (University of Twente), Hao Zhang (University of Purdue).

The registration period begins 20-10-2015 and will be open until 27-05-2016.

A special issue of Spatial Statistics will be edited from selected conference papers, following the usual reviewing procedure.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Valencia, enjoying the conference and the city!

Jorge Mateu and Francisco Montes

On behalf of the METMA VIII Organizing Committee

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