Día mayo 1, 2015

Statistical geneticists positions at Genomics plc

The use of extensive genetic information will transform healthcare over the next decade.  Many of the key challenges are statistical: making sense of the vast amounts of data being generated, including DNA sequences linked to patient medical records. To help… Seguir leyendo →

WDSI Workshop: Big Data and Computational Scalability

Title: Warwick workshop on Big Data and Computational Scalability  (1st July 2015) The new Warwick Data Science Institute (WDSI) is holding a 1-day workshop on Big Data and Computational Scalability, on 1st July 2015, at the University of Warwick.  –… Seguir leyendo →

SAND7 – Statistical Analysis of Neural Data Workshop

The seventh international workshop on Statistical Analysis of Neural Data  (SAND7) will take place May 27-29, 2015, in Pittsburgh, PA. SOME TRAVEL SUPPORT REMAINS AVAILABLE  — Descargar SAND7 – Statistical Analysis of Neural Data Workshop como PDF —


We wish to inform you that there are still few places available for ABS15, the Applied Bayesian Statistics summer school on «MODERN BAYESIAN METHODS AND COMPUTING FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES», to be held on  June, 8th – 12th, 2015 in… Seguir leyendo →


Interpretando estadísticas oficiales de tipo económico Fecha de inicio: 1 de junio Duración: 10 horas Precio: Gratuito Idioma: Euskara o Castellano Certificado de aprovechamiento — Descargar CURSO ONLINE como PDF —

CONFERENCIA: One-Shot Device Testing and Analysis

N. Balakrishnan McMaster University, Canada In this talk, I will first introduce the one-shot devices and the corresponding form of test and data. I will then elaborate on constant accelerated life-tests for such data and present the corresponding likelihood function. I… Seguir leyendo →

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