Día julio 16, 2018

Concurso STUDENT de Estadística Aplicada

Apreciados compañeros y compañeras, El Servei d’Estadística Aplicada de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona tiene el placer de anunciaros la próxima edición del XVI Concurso STUDENT de Estadística Aplicada. Mediante este concurso, el Servei d’Estadística Aplicada conjuntamente con el Institut d’Estadística… Seguir leyendo →

Statistical issues in assessing whether new biomarkers are fit for purpose

Applications are invited for a 3-year fully-funded PhD Studentship starting September/October 2018 (EU/UK students) Advances in experimental medicine increasingly rely on the development of diagnostic devices, novel biomarkers, repurposing of existing tests, and identifying powerful test combinations. The National Institute… Seguir leyendo →

Job offer: Chair in Clinical Trial Statistics at Manchester

Full details and application form available at https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=15358. The University of Manchester wishes to appoint to the post of Professor of Clinical Trial Statistics and Director/Co-Director of Manchester CTU (depending upon relevant experience). This is a leadership role, key to progressing… Seguir leyendo →

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