Categoría Eventos

Survival Analysis for Junior Researchers (SAfJR) conference

The ninth annual Survival Analysis for Junior Researchers (SAfJR) conference is hosted by Ulm University, Germany, on 13-15 September 2023. It is a three-day event at castle Reisensburg that is aimed at career-young statisticians with an interest in the application… Seguir leyendo →

Week-CoDaCourse 2023

Week-CoDaCourse 2023 When: 3-7 July 2023 Where: Girona, Spain Compositional data (CoDa) consist of multivariate data carrying relative information, such as those referring to chemical or nutritional compositions, time-use behavioural patterns, microbiome species distributions, multiparty electoral data, investment portfolios and… Seguir leyendo →

IFORS 2023 (10-14 July 2023, Santiago, Chile)

IFORS 2023 (10-14 July 2023, Santiago, Chile) The 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies. Important Dates & General Information Submissions are open. March 15th, 2023: Due date for abstracts submissions April 25th, 2023: Early Registration deadline… Seguir leyendo →

Seminario DATAI «Spatio-temporal semantic partitions of the land surface through deep embeddings»

Seminario DATAI «Spatio-temporal semantic partitions of the land surface through deep embeddings» El viernes, 2 de Diciembre a las 13.00h tendrá lugar el seminario, que será impartido por Carlos Echegoyen Arruti (Universidad Pública de Navarra – UPNA). Será presencial en… Seguir leyendo →

Ciclo de charlas virtuales organizado desde la SEB

Ciclo de charlas virtuales organizado desde la SEB Enviamos la información de la próxima charla dentro del ciclo #SEBTalks organizado desde la SEB. Se trata de la charla titulada: “Multivariate Bayesian spatio-temporal P-spline models for count data”, que será impartida… Seguir leyendo →

Seminario: Alternative learning approaches for the tree augmented naive Bayes classifier

Viernes, 14 de octubre de 2022, 12:00 tendrá lugar el seminario Alternative learning approaches for the tree augmented naive Bayes classifier, impartido por Gonzalo Ruz (Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile). Más información: enlace — Descargar Seminario:… Seguir leyendo →

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