Categoría Eventos

Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures Workshop

25 y 26 de abril de 2024 Ibiza, España Organizadores: German (DR) and the Austrian-Swiss (ROeS) Regions of the International Biometric Society (IBS). El workshop está organizado conjuntamente con la Universitat de les Illes Balears. Inscripción: Hasta el 1 de… Seguir leyendo →

DATAI awards 2023-2024

The Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DATAI) announces the DATAI Awards 2023-2024 for particularly relevant scientific contributions in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. The prizes recognize originality, innovation and contribution with the double objective of… Seguir leyendo →

València International Bayesian Summer School

VIBASS 7 is the seventh edition of the summer school on Bayesian Statistics to be held from 8th to 12th July 2024 in València (Spain). The five days of VIBASS 7 are organised in three parts: Monday 8 and Tuesday… Seguir leyendo →

Ciencia de los Datos (Data Science), Aplicaciones en Biología y Medicina con Python y R

El objetivo principal del Curso de Ciencia de los Datos (Data Science): Aplicaciones en Biología y Medicina con Python y R de la Universitat de Barcelona es introducirte en el ámbito de la Ciencia de los Datos y estudiar las técnicas estadísticas… Seguir leyendo →

ISNPS 2024 Braga (Portugal)

Call for papers – ISNPS 2024 Braga (Portugal), June 25-29 International Symposium on Nonparametric Statistics, ISNPS 2024, which will take place in Braga, Portugal, from 25 to 29 June. The conference website is available at The conference programme will… Seguir leyendo →


Join us for the interesting event hosted by Xiao-Li Meng, Whipple V. N. Jones Professor of Statistics at Harvard University, discussing «Personalized Treatments: Sounds heavenly, but where on Earth did they find my guinea pigs?» moderated by Professor Emeritus Yoav… Seguir leyendo →

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