Día noviembre 6, 2018

PhD student / Postdoc at Goettingen, Germany

The Department of Medical Statistics at the University Medical Center Göttingen invites applications for the following position: PhD student OR Postdoc Fixed-term contract (initially for 3 years), Full-time (Postdoctoral position) or 65% part-time (PhD student position) | Salary according to TV-L… Seguir leyendo →

8th International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis (CoDaWork2019)

It is a pleasure to announce the 8th International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis (CoDaWork2019), to be held in Terrassa (Spain), 3-8 June 2019.  The website of the event contains  updated information about the workshop:  https://webs.camins.upc.edu/codawork2019/ CodaWork2019 is the eighth edition of… Seguir leyendo →

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