Día marzo 14, 2018

Job offer: Immediate opening – permanent Associate with a focus on economic/mathematical modelling (Aquarius Population Health – London)

Immediate opening for a permanent full/part time Associate with a focus on economic/mathematical modelling (London).   Aquarius Population Health is an exciting and innovative healthcare consultancy based in London. Our mission is to generate evidence to inform and support rational… Seguir leyendo →

Job offer: Senior Lecturer in Statistics x 2, University College Cork

The Department of Statistics in the School of Mathematical Sciences seeks applicants for two positions of Senior Lecturer in Statistics.  These positions will play an important role in the development of the Statistics Department, including supporting its responsibilities for delivery of the… Seguir leyendo →

Two post-doc positions at University College Dublin

Two 18 month post-doc positions in Bayesian statistics at University College Dublin.    The insight centre in data analytics, is seeking to recruit two post-doctoral researchers with experience in Bayesian methods and related computational skills. Both roles will focus on… Seguir leyendo →

6th International Statistical Ecology Conference – Early registration deadline is the end of this month

Less than 6 months from now we will have the pleasure to host you in St Andrews- the 6th International Statistical Ecology Conference is taking place on the 2nd to 6th July ! We would like to call your attention to the deadline for early registration… Seguir leyendo →

MBC2 2018 – Workshop on Model-Based Clustering and Classification – Call for papers

The workshop aims at providing a focus on the state-of-the-art research in the field of model-based clustering and classification as well as a forum of scientific discussions and comparisons among young and senior researchers in different areas of statistics and… Seguir leyendo →

Curso organizado por el Instituto Flores de Lemus – UC3M. Expe(R)iencias: temas en las ciencias de datos con R

En la actualidad numerosas empresas y centros públicos utilizan R como herramienta de trabajo, lo que lo convierte en el líder del software libre con aplicación en Ciencias Sociales, Economía, Empresa y en la investigación biomédica.   El curso enseña… Seguir leyendo →

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