This is a gentle reminder for the call for abstracts for the 38th annual ISCB conference in Vigo. 
Note that you have 1 week left to submit your abstract!
Abstracts can only be submitted through the online abstract submission system. The deadline for abstract submission is next Monday, February 20th, 2017

Please note that this deadline will not be extended.
You can register for the conference via the online conference registration system.
Abstract Topics and Guidelines
Contributed presentations in any area of biostatistics, epidemiology and related topics are welcome. The main themes of ISCB38 are the topics of the invited sessions (Key Scientific Topics). The Scientific Programme Committee has selected other topics of interest for the meeting (Further Scientific Topics). Please note that other general topics like Survival Analysis, Causal Inference, etc, are always welcome at the ISCB. Learn more about the abstract topics in our website.
Please read carefully the preparation guidelines before submitting your abstract.
The Conference
The ISCB38 conference will provide an international scientific forum for exchange of theory, methods, and applications of biostatistics in medical research. This year, the conference offers two exciting plenary talks, given by Anastasios Tsiatis and Francesca Dominici, eight invited sessions, five pre-conference courses and four mini-symposia, including the Students’ Day. We also offer the possibility to enjoy Vigo and its surroundings with our attractive social programme. 
Please visit our website for further information or contact the ISCB Conference Secretariat at
We are looking forward to seeing you at the ISCB in Vigo!
Jacobo de Uña Álvarez, Chair of the Local Organising Committee
Guadalupe Gómez Melis, Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee